Latest Episodes
Did Newman Say We Could Disobey the Pope?
St. John Henry Newman lived at a time when a Catholic's obligation of obedience to the pope was hotly debated. What he wrote can...
Lenten Devotions in the Home (Guest: Suzan Sammons)
Eric Sammons is joined by his wife Suzan to talk about growing up as a cradle Catholic, how they met, and her new book...
Can Catholics Still “Follow the Science?”
The reputation of "Science" is in tatters for many people, leading some to question things that were previously assumed by just about everyone. What...
The Ongoing War Between Catholicism and Communism (Guest: Kristen Theriault)
Since its inception in the 19th century, Communism has always been at war with the Catholic Church. We'll discuss at why that is, and...
Should Catholics Vote in 2024?
Crisis Editor Eric Sammons recently wrote an article arguing that Catholics should consider not voting in the 2024 presidential election. Needless to say, it...
How Tolkien’s Catholic Faith Impacted His Writings (Guest: Dr. Ben Reinhard)
It's well-known that J.R.R. Tolkien was Catholic and that his faith influenced his writings. But how did his participation in the liturgy impact his...