Did Our Lady of Fatima Save President Trump?

July 15, 2024 00:39:48
Did Our Lady of Fatima Save President Trump?
Crisis Point
Did Our Lady of Fatima Save President Trump?

Jul 15 2024 | 00:39:48


Hosted By

Eric Sammons

Show Notes

President Trump avoided being assassinated by less than an inch on the anniversary of an apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. A coincidence or heavenly intervention?
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[00:00:11] President Trump avoided being assassinated by less than an inch on the anniversary of an apparition of Our lady of Fatima. Is this a coincidence or is it a heavenly intervention? That's what we're going to talk about today on crisis point hold. I'm Eric Simmons, your host, editor chief of Crisis magazine. [00:00:29] Before we get started, I just want you to smash that, like, button like the liberals wanted to smash Donald Trump. Also, I want you to subscribe to the channel, if you could, that lets other people know about tells the algorithm. Hey, people like me. They really like me. I know most of you are probably too young to even know what that is a reference to, but anyway, go ahead and like and subscribe. Also subscribe to email newsletter. Just go to crisismagazine.com from your email address and we'll send our articles to you every day. Two articles a day on most days. Okay, so let's get started. [00:01:03] Before we do, I'm going to talk about the Trump shooting. But just before I came online here live, it was announced that JD Vance, my senator, actually, who lives not that far from me, I'm not in a rich neighborhood like him, but we're in, we live in the same city, Cincinnati. He is the vice presidential nominee for the Donald Trump ticket. So it's a Trump Vance ticket. Now. There'll be a lot of discussion about this. I'm not going to get into a lot now. I would just say what I said on X just a few minutes ago, which is he was probably the best choice out of all the people that were most likely to be picked by Trump. I think Ramaswami would have been better, but I don't think he was ever really in the running. I think somebody like Thomas Massey would have been awesome, but he was never really in the running by the people like Rubio, that North Dakota governor. I can't remember his name. [00:01:55] All those people, even somebody like Tulsi. I think realistically, of the people that Trump was actually considering, I think Vance is probably the best. I don't think he's like a superstar or anything like that. I think there's some real problems with him, but he's, he's far better than a lot of the options. And to be honest, one of my biggest criticisms of Donald Trump's presidency was the people he picked. I think he did a terrible job in so many cases. Mike Pence was terrible. I think, oh, my gosh, so many of cabinet members and people he appointed were terrible. I'm hoping he does a better job and hoping this is a sign of that. This was not a terrible pick. So good on you, President Trump. Okay, so, but that's not what we're going to talk about today. [00:02:38] We're going to talk about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump on Saturday. It was quite the moment. I don't know about you, but I do feel like this is one of those moments where you're going to remember where, where you were when you heard this. I still remember where I was when I heard President Ronald Reagan was shot. I was in the hallway of my elementary school, and I, and I was walking down the hall. It was like in between classes or something like that. And I was going to another class and somebody said, a friend of mine said, hey, did you hear President Reagan was shot? So I actually remember that. I remember where I was when the space shuttle exploded. I remember where I was when 911, of course, first heard about that. I think this is one of those cases as well where we'll hear about, we'll remember where we were when we, when we heard about Donald Trump being shot. Okay. So what I want to do, though, is today what I want to focus on is both the human and the divine aspects of this shooting. [00:03:34] I think that sometimes I want to kind of confess here that sometimes I might focus a little too much on the human aspects of something like this, the political ramifications, things like that. I do think it's important to talk about those things, but I think it's important also to look a little bit more big picture at the divine aspects of how these things might appear from heavenly eyes, how divine intervention might be involved, things of that nature. I think that's important. First, I want to talk about the human perspective of what happened on Saturday. [00:04:10] First, as I wrote an article, icrisis, I do think we don't know exactly the motives of the shooter. And honestly, I don't think we're ever going to know. I mean, we still don't even know the details of everything that was involved in the JFK assassination over 60 years ago. So it's kind of silly to think we're ever going to find out everything about this one. [00:04:31] That being said, I do think there's no question in my mind that the rhetoric against Donald Trump over the past few years has just got, it's up the volume up to eleven. [00:04:45] It just has gotten ridiculous. I mean, we have people saying that Trump is literally Hitler, Trump is Hitler 2.0. Now, first of all, that's just such a joke. I don't care what you think of Donald Trump. You could think he was a terrible president. You could think a lot of bad things about him. But there's no reality in which he is anything like Adolf Hitler. [00:05:09] He's had some mean tweets. He's rude. He's not necessarily the most moral guy in his own personal life over the years. That does not make him Adolf Hitler. [00:05:19] There is no way. I mean, he's been president for four years in this country, for God's sake. We know what kind of person he would be as a president. So they act like he all of a sudden is Adolf Hitler is just ludicrous. [00:05:34] But the language of that he is Adolf Hitler. I mean, the logic is impeccable here. If you think about it today, what do we do? We lionize the people in Nazi Germany who resisted Hitler, including those who tried to assassinate him. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of my heroes, personal heroes, and he tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler. And that's one of the things that makes him one of my heroes. [00:05:59] It was a good and just thing to try to assassinate Adolf Hitler. So if you think, and most people would agree with that. [00:06:07] So if you think that Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, then the logic flows. So it wouldn't be surprising that somebody would try to shoot him to assassinate Donald Trump. So I do think we need to recognize this, that the language being used by the left about Donald Trump is so ridiculous. I'm not saying nobody on the right ever doesn't use, like, inappropriate language about people on the left. It happens sometimes, but this was a constant dumb drum. It has been a constant drumbeat from members of the media, from the establishment, from government, people, all of that for years now that Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy, that he'll become a dictator, that he will, you know, throw everybody in jail, that he will deport every. I mean, everything, all the evil things that you could think of, Donald Trump was going to do. That has never been the case about what the riot said about Biden. Now, yes, some people have gone overboard, what they said about Biden, but never to the extreme. So I do think we have to recognize that this shooting isn't that surprising. If you think. If you think about it, it's the logical conclusion of the rhetoric that's been used on the left. [00:07:22] Now, I also want to note that this is, again, from the human perspective, that Donald Trump's reaction to being shot is, frankly, amazing. [00:07:35] I. Nobody can know how they will react in that situation unless they are in it. Now, I know people in the military, they train to be in those situations. And that training does take hold and does help them to react in the appropriate way. [00:07:50] But for especially people outside of military training who don't have military training, you just don't know what you're going to do. Like most guys, I have imagined what I would do in those situations. Like, for example, somebody came into our parish during mass and started shooting or something like that. [00:08:07] And I hope that I would do the right thing, that would try to protect as many people as possible, try to stop the person, all that stuff. [00:08:15] But I'm not so arrogant to think I know exactly what I would do. I don't know if I would, I don't know if I would panic, if I'd run away, if, or whatever the case may be. But we know exactly what Donald Trump would do, because now we've seen it. He was shot, he went down, he got back up, pumped his fist, consoled the crowd. If you watch the video again, watch it more closely than maybe you have before. If you watch what happens is after he gets shot, there's almost complete silence from the crowd, because obviously everybody's like, what is going on here? People worried. I will say nobody panicked. There weren't people, like, all of a sudden stampeding and screaming. There's some screaming, but it wasn't, like, crazy. [00:08:56] But there was a lot of concern. When he gets back up and stands up and people see he's okay, that, and then all of a sudden he puts his fist up in the air, that's when all of a sudden people start cheering and chanting USA. Because he's, what he's doing is he recognizes the situation Donald Trump does in this situation. He recognizes, okay, I need to console the crowd. I need to make sure the crowd knows I'm okay. And he also makes it very clear that he ain't scared of no bullet. I mean, he starts telling fight, fight. I mean, it's incredible. I will say, people who have followed me for years know I've never been a huge fan of the person, of Donald Trump, but it's impossible not to admire that, that that courage that he showed. So Edward Fester on Twitter said that Trump's greatest vice is his pride, but his greatest virtue is his courage. And I think that's correct, that he has great courage. Clearly he has courage, and he proved it. And so I think that's something also that we need to recognize. He is a fighter. It's not all talk. You know, a lot of us might talk like that, but it's not all talk with Trump. He actually is a fighter. [00:10:04] Another thing I want to look at from the human perspective of this shooting is as I see it, when somebody who's protected by the Secret Service gets shot, there are three possibilities. Three possibilities for what happened, for the breakdown. One is that the shooter was just so good and so well planned and so expert that he was able to get around seeker service protection to get a shot off. That's one possibility. [00:10:32] Another possibility is that the Secret Service is incompetent. That basically they have just failed in their job. They wanted to do a good job, but they're so incompetent they did a bad job and they left an opening for the person to get shot. [00:10:49] The third possibility is that the Secret Service is in on it, that at least one member or more members of the secret Service allowed this to happen purposefully. Those are really the only three options we have when there's this failure to, when a person the Secret Service protecting gets shot, those are the three options. I think what we know about the shooter so far is I don't think it's number one and we know about the setup and all that. I don't think it's number one. I don't think this guy was so awesome, the shooter, he wasn't so awesome at what he's doing that he was able to get the shot off because of that and he just was able to overcome some great Secret Service protection. [00:11:28] I think there's a lot of evidence for number two, incompetence. And I'm just going to say it right here that I do not think women should be Secret service agents. I don't think they should be in the military. I don't think they should be in the police force. I don't think they should be firefighters. [00:11:44] They're just physically not able to do the job as well as men. I'm not saying there aren't women out there who could do those jobs better than me. I am saying though, that the best woman in the world to do that job, there are many, many more men who can do it better. [00:12:01] So how many Secret Service agents are there? Thousand, a few thousand? Something like that. I'm not sure exactly how many. I guarantee there are thousands and thousands of more qualified men than the best qualified woman. [00:12:14] But of course, we know that the secret Service head, who is a woman, has made it an effort to get more women as Secret service agents. So we're not even talking about the best women necessarily for the job. We're just talking about women that applied and she knew she had to get some women, I mean, one thing is just simply their physical height. Donald Trump is six foot three. I think it is. You can't cover him, which is one of their jobs in this situation is to cover his body. You can't cover him if you're five foot three and you weigh like 150 pounds or something like that. [00:12:46] Sorry about that, everybody did not realize my phone was not on vibrate. [00:12:52] You cannot cover him, though, if you're only five foot three and he's six foot three. Not completely and physically, you can't do certain things like you can't pick him up and move him, for example, if you need to. [00:13:04] Another thing is like, men are built to protect, men are just naturally built to protect, women are built to nurture. [00:13:13] It's a failure of our culture, of our society when we have a woman whose job is to protect a man. [00:13:23] I'm sorry, that's just the reality. [00:13:25] It's a failure. And we saw, I mean, especially that one woman, the overweight woman, secret Service agent. She was incompetent. I mean, I don't know anything about anything, but I know that, that she didn't know what the heck she was doing. So I do think the second possibility of incompetence is almost definitely true. [00:13:45] Is it possible the Secret Service, at least part of it, was in on it? I don't think we can rule that out. If you look at everything, we've all, everybody seen it now, the building where the shooter was on, people knew about that he was up there. They were telling people that he was up there. Apparently one news agency reported that a police officer actually came up, saw him, but then went down when he, the guy was pointing a rifle at him. So he didn't do his job. [00:14:09] How they would allow that. I mean, I was in Detroit when, when Trump spoke about a month ago, and the security was insane. At one point, they made every single person leave the building and get rechecked because they found out that local police had allowed four people to come in through a back door without going through the security check. That alone made them get rid of, make everybody come out and come back in. In this case, though, there's reports that the Secret Service actually knew this guy was there, was around, and had, and was suspicious of him, but then still allowed Trump to go onto an open air stage with a line of sight to the building where he ended up on the shooter. That is, it's hard not to suspect that, that there was not some planning here, an inside job, so to speak. I think it's possible, by the way, two and three can both be true, that there could be incompetence and there could be an inside job. There might be some Secret Service agents who were on the inside and others who were just incompetent doing their job. So I do think it's possible you could have both situations. I just don't, I don't think, honestly, I don't think we're going to know for sure, ever, like I said already. But I do think that's something that we need to recognize. I mean, I think most people now, most reasonable people now know that the JFK assassination, for example, was planned by the ciataine. And so there's no reason to think that this wouldn't have been the case here. Imagine. [00:15:37] Imagine that Donald Trump was actually assassinated. And remember how close he was getting assassinated. He basically turned at the last second. We're going to talk about that in a minute. At the last second, it nicked his ear. [00:15:52] People say he was like an inch away from being killed. No, an inch is too much. He was millimeters away from being killed. [00:15:59] Think about it. On live television. We could have had the former president, the current front runner for the next president, with his head blown away on live television. That could have. That we were, what, this close? I mean, this close to that happening. [00:16:17] Imagine what world we'd be living in right now if that had happened. [00:16:21] The National Republican Convention just started today. Donald Trump was just nominated. What would have happened if he wasn't alive? What would. Who would have been nominated? There's a very good chance because of the fact that the donor class controls the convention, whereas they don't control the primaries as much. There's a good chance some type of acceptable candidate by the deep state would have been selected, a Nikki Haley or somebody like that. There's a very good chance that would have happened. In which case, the deep state's happy because it doesn't matter if Biden or Nikki Haley wins. They got their guy or gal in the White House. [00:17:01] So I definitely think it's not crazy to think that this was a deep state type of operation and it just failed. One thing, we always had people say, oh, if they want him dead, he'd be dead. I don't think it's as clear as that. They're human, too. I think everything got planned properly. If it was planned and they had their shot, I mean, he could have. He should have died. And that's now gets us to the divine perspective. We've been talking only about the human at this point. But I think we need to look at the divine perspective. I think the first thing we have to note is that this happened on July 13. [00:17:42] I realize this pretty quickly, because every, on the 13th of each month, our family prays our family rosary in front of our an, our lady of Fatima icon. We normally pray it in our family room, but our lady of Fatima icons in our living room. So we pray in there on the 13th of each month, you know, in recognition of our lady of Fatima. [00:18:02] Our lady of Fatima appeared on May 13, was her first appearance, and every month on the 13th until October. So her third appearance was July 13, 1917. So this was the anniversary of her third appearance. Her third appearance is very interesting because a lot of the things we most know about, we know about the most famous of the apparitions of our la Fema came on July 13. [00:18:29] She says in, she begins and says, I want you to come on the 13th day of next month and to continue to pray the rosary every day in honor of Our lady of the Rosary. Why? In order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, for she alone can help. So we see here our lady says, pray the rosary. Why? For peace and for the end of the war. [00:18:54] That's something that our lady could be saying to us right now for peace and the end of the war, particularly in Russia and Ukraine and the end of what's going on in the Middle east. And the fact is, is that we're so close, the United States is, to getting into world war three. So praying for peace is something that we still, still should be doing today. And that's what she was saying on July 13 of 1917. [00:19:18] That's also when she says, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my immaculate heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays. If people attend to my request, Russia will be converted and the world will have peace. So the theme of the July 13 apparition is peace in the world and the conversion of Russia. Well, what do we need today? We need peace in the world, and we need really the conversion of Russia, because Russia is the big baddie supposedly on the world stage. We need Russia, though, to really be, we need to be reconciled to Russia so Russia can help bring about the universal reign of Christ the king. And so what we're seeing here is that on the date of the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, it's the anniversary of when our lady's talking about peace. [00:20:09] And I think if you look at the difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the one thing that we know for sure is that Donald Trump will do far more to bring peace in the world than Joe Biden. Joe Biden is headlong rushing towards war, World War three. I mean, I don't think it's actually Joe Biden. We all know what I mean by that, the Joe Biden, the Biden administration, and they would continue to do so if they win in November. The possibly world War three is so much greater than if Donald Trump wins. [00:20:44] And so we see this connected with this. And also, of course, we already know of another assassination attempt that occurred on an anniversary of an apparition of our lay of Fatima on May 13, 1981. Was it 82? I think it was 81. [00:20:58] There was an assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II, and he believed that our lady is what protected him from being killed. [00:21:08] We have. Our lady of Fatima is such a significant figure, so to speak, in world affairs in the past century. [00:21:19] I mean, so many people have been praying to Our lady of Fatima for peace in the world, conversion of Russia. We saw the consecration, which I know there's a lot of debate and controversy about Pope Francis consecration of Russia and the world and everything to, to Our lady of Fatima. I'm not going to get in that here. But the point is, is that there have been so many intercessions to Our lady of Fatima for peace in the world that I can't help but think that on July 13, 2024, when that gunman shot at Donald Trump, that our Lady Fatima herself prevented him from being killed. If you look at the video, as you've probably seen this online, if you, if not, what happens right before the shot comes at him? Donald Trump's kind of looking this way, but then he turns his head very quickly to one way because he's, he said he was looking at, I think, in a bore, something on a board about a screen about illegal immigration, a charter, something like that, that last second turn saved his life. [00:22:23] Now, yes, I'm not saying that it's not true that he looked at the board at that last second, that that's a human aspect. [00:22:31] But I have to believe there's a really good chance. Our lady of Fatima kind of pushed his head, kind of brought, when I was a kid and I wanted my mom's attention, I would take my hand on her chin, on her cheek, and I turn her head towards me, knowing bejeebies out of my mom, until finally what she started doing, she started doing it to me. And I hated it so much, I immediately stopped doing it to her. And I do think, though, this was a mother turning Trump's head just slightly, just enough that it did not kill him, because, I mean, we're talking millimeters. If he had not turned his head at that last second, he would be dead today and the whole world would be different. And I think the chances for peace in the world would be far, far less than they are if Donald Trump were alive. [00:23:18] And so I do think that our lady of Fatima was involved in this. Now, there is the argument that I've seen online. I address this on Twitter, but I want to address it here. What about the innocent bystander, the man who died at the rally, the Trump, you know, fan who died at the rally? Doesn't that mean, isn't it callous to say that God intervened to save his life, save Trump's life, but not this man's life? [00:23:44] I think that shows a real misunderstanding of divine providence and how God works and God's role in the world and his sovereignty. [00:23:54] Ultimately, God is the author of all Life. [00:23:59] He does not abide by our rules. We have rules about whether or not we can take life or not. In most cases, almost every case, we can't. There are some quote unquote exceptions. The death penalty, for example, a justified war, a just war, self defense. But in general, we can't take life. Why? Because we're not the author of it. We did not create life. Even if you're a father, like I am, you didn't create those, those kids. God created them. You were co creators. But without God, there's nothing you can do that would, that leads to, you know, a person being created. [00:24:38] And so because of that, we can't take life. God, however, because he is the author of life, he has given us the gift of life. He can take life whenever he wants. He can allow a life to end whenever he desires. [00:24:52] And like I said, an analogy I gave was I given my kids, is that when, if I paint something, I create a painting, I can do whatever I want with that painting. I can put it up in the, in the hall. I can frame it, I can try to sell it, I can throw it away. [00:25:07] However, you can't do that to my painting. You can't just grab my painting, tear it up. You have no right to do that. I mean, you can do it, but it's wrong if you do that. You don't have a right. Why? Because you did not author that painting. You did not create it. So God can allow somebody to live or die whenever he desires. [00:25:25] Also, I think it's a misunderstanding that death is not the ultimate evil. [00:25:31] God every day allows some people to live and some people to die. Every single day you are allowed to live is a gift you're given. You might be allowed to die today. What matters is how we choose to live our life and how we choose to face death as well. The man at the, I apologize, I forgot to write down his name, so I can't remember it right now. But the man who died at the rally, the story is his daughter said that he basically quickly threw down his daughter and I think his wife and jumped on top of him to protect them, and then he died. [00:26:08] As a father and as a husband, when it's my time, I only hope that that would be the way I go protecting my family, protecting my daughter. [00:26:18] It's a great example to all of us. [00:26:21] And so the truth is, God can allow Trump to live and also allow that man to die. And there's nothing unjust about that. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem is people think of God in very human terms, like my rules. Like, if I did that, like he's some sharpshooter deciding who lives and who dies in some, like, you know, callous way. No, what he's deciding is what is for the greater glory of God, what is for his greater glory, and what can bring the most souls to him. It might be true that the best thing is for Trump to live in that situation and that man to die. I say this, you know, completely sympathetic to the family, and that's a tragedy. I'm not trying to act like it's a good thing that he died in the sense of like, they should be happy he's dead. I don't mean that at all. What I mean, though, is that God can use both somebody's death and somebody's life. And I think in this case, saving Donald Trump's life could very well be the thing that brings peace to the world. And I think that's very important. I think that's why I talk about our La Fatima being involved. [00:27:29] If that's true, if what I say is true, that just means we need to pray so much more for our country, for the intercession of relay of Fatima, for our country. And we need to work and do things to try to save it. We need to pray for, including pray for President Trump. [00:27:47] Now, note, none of this is saying that Donald Trump is a model, a personal model we need to follow for moral guidance or for being the best Catholic. He's not even Catholic. [00:27:59] None of that. People try to make it like if you support Donald Trump for president, now, all of a sudden you need to have him as this moral example. That's just, that's a. None of these politicians are moral examples, let's be honest. I mean, none of them really are moral examples. [00:28:14] So I don't think that. That's not at all what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about, though, is just simply what is the best bet for peace? And I. It appears that our lady might be saying that it's Donald Trump. I also think another spiritual perspective of this. We need to pray very much for the conversion of Donald Trump to Catholicism to the one true faith. [00:28:36] We don't know how this will impact his life. I mean, he was this close, I'll say it again, this close to dying. He knows. He was this close. He knows how close he came. I was very happy to see that he created God with protecting him, saving him. And I think his son, Donald Trump junior, did as well. I know these aren't necessarily, like, these aren't religious men, but who's to say they can't be? Are you really saying that Donald Trump is beyond being saved by God, being. Being a faithful Catholic? [00:29:06] Nobody is. Even Joe Biden isn't beyond that. [00:29:11] So I do think we need to pray for his conversion, that this, that this would lead him to conversion to Catholicism. That's our best case scenario. But even if that doesn't happen, just that this would change him for the better. Donald Trump has never been a perfect man. He might be the best candidate right now, but doesn't mean he's a perfect man. None of us are. Every one of us can get better. So I definitely think that we should be praying that this makes him a better man, a better candidate, and then a better president than he was last time. [00:29:42] I think all these things that our lady is telling us, we need to pray. We need to pray. And what do we pray? [00:29:47] Let me look at what our lady said. Oh, yeah, right. Continue to pray the rosary every day. Pray the rosary every day. That's what our lady is telling us. And I believe a lot of the prayers that prayer warriors like you people out there have been doing, praying for Donald Trump, praying for the country, I think that might have been what stayed the hand of God from his life ending and had our lady told our lady, okay, go ahead and move his head just a little bit to save him. [00:30:18] I also think, like, this is, like, a little bit of a side point, but something that came up that bothered me, I saw some Catholics who are very much kind of. They're very cynical of this even being real. What happened? Like, it was all staged. I mean, Catholics who were saying this, saying it's not really, you know, it didn't really happen, type of thing. There's a real spiritual danger to that level of cynicism. Trust me. I know I get cynical. I know I don't believe a lot of what we hear and see on the media and things like that. But when you're not even willing to believe what is on live television and what everybody, I mean, there's, like, nobody on left or right or anywhere saying, this isn't, this didn't actually happen. If you're even saying, no, this is all, like, made up. That's a real spiritual danger, because what you've done is you've kind of fallen into, like, a type of gnosticism, that reality is only what you, what you know, your secret knowledge and that other people, just regular plebes like you and me, we can't know. Like me, can't know that somehow what we see with our eyes, we can't believe. Now, I know there's a lot of things online, a lot of videos and stuff like that, that you, that you can't believe. But this isn't one of those cases. You've, you've gotten to a bad spiritual place if you've gotten to a point where you won't even believe what, what's happened in this situation. [00:31:38] So, so don't do that. Don't deny reality. Out of some, like, like, I'm beyond all this. I'm above, like, you know, getting involved in this stuff. All that stuff is just, it's all bad. I'm gonna throw it all away. That, that's a bad spiritual place to be. [00:31:55] So that, that's, that's kind of my, my perspective on the human perspective and divine perspective. I do think our lady, specifically our lady of Fatima, was involved in saving the life of Donald Trump on Saturday, June, July 13, 2024. I can't prove it. [00:32:14] I'm not requiring it. I'm not a dogma saying, oh, if you're Catholic, you don't believe that, then you're not really Catholic. No, I'm just saying that's what I believe. I really do think, and I think is my personal opinion. Again, I really do think a lot of it has to do with the cause of peace in the world. I know in America, conservatives, we get very much focused on the pro life movement, with abortion, and rightly so. I've been consumed with that for decades as well. But I do think we need to recognize the wars in other countries. And frankly, America's role in fostering, promoting, provoking all those wars has caused a loss of so many lies and destruction. And I think our lady, you know, she weeps for that. And I think this is a path potentially that we have in front of us. If we accept it, that could lead to peace. I think that's very important. So I would just say what I repeated, you know, a few months ago here, I'll do it again. I'll put on my hat that what I repeated a few months ago, I guess about a month or so ago. I really do think that we need to vote for Donald Trump. I've never been one who's been super, like, promoting, you got to vote for this person like that. But I do think in this case that Donald Trump, good Catholics need to vote for Donald Trump. I think there's a very good chance he could be a better man and a better candidate because of the incident that happened the other day, the assassination attempt. But even if he's nothing, I still think he is the best option we have. And I think he, you know, it's ironic, but I do think he represents the good in this country. I'm not saying he's even a good man. I'm just simply saying that he represents the good, and that's why they shot at him. I mean, today in the old calendar is the feast of St. Henry II, the holy emperor, holy roman emperor. I'm not saying Trump is St. Henry. I don't think he's ever going to be canonized, but I do think that he has powerful enemies, which we saw on Saturday who want him eliminated any way, any means possible. And his enemies, here's the thing that matters most. His enemies are your enemies. That's what matters most. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I mean, in this case, even if you don't like Donald Trump, he is ultimately the enemy of your enemies. That makes him your friend. So I definitely think we do need to, you know, really support Donald Trump and vote for him. Okay, so, like we've been doing, I'm going to have a few, we have a few questions here. I'm going to put a few comments I'm going to put up on the screen at the end. I'm trying to do this where at the end, we, I address some of the questions and comments people give their live chat also. I encourage people join us on the live chat. I mean, you can watch this video or listen to it afterwards, and that's fine. But if you join us on the live chat, you have a chance that you could, you know, you ask a question, I'll try to address it while, while we're here. So. Okay, first I'm gonna put up. Here's my crazy theory. They assigned all the incompetent DeI agents to protect Trump. I think that's actually a great theory because it combines my second and third points. That you have incompetence, but you also have a plan. Well, a plan could have been to have the most incompetent people assigned to Donald Trump. I mean, there's. Why did he have three women assigned to him? I mean, right there. That. That's a certain sign something wrong. That one woman was obviously incompetent. I mean, she just was terrible at her job. Why was she assigned? Because, remember, I realized that the secret service has different levels of protection. [00:35:34] If you're the president, you get more than a former president, you know, like Bush would get or something like that. But they know whose life is the most threatened. They're not idiots. I mean, they know Donald Trump's life was the. Is the most threatened, even more than Biden's. So you would put some of your best people, you should put some of your best people on him just by that fact alone. But they didn't seem to do that. So I think that's a great possible theory. So I recommend for people to watch the document documentary, JFK, Destiny betrayed. I have not seen that. But if it argues that JFK was murdered by the CIA, then I'm. I'm for it. So. Because I think that's true. [00:36:12] Okay. A priest I know says there can't be any divine intervention because someone still was killed. And I think I've already addressed that. [00:36:21] The priest is wrong. [00:36:23] Just look at the Bible. Read the Bible. People are saved all the time. I mean, think about it. You could never say anybody who saved it was divine intervention, because people die every day. You could just say, like, if there's a tornado and somebody feels that divine intervention saved them, but other people died. Oh, that's not divine intervention. That's ridiculous. Like I said, nobody deserves to live in the sense that, like, I have a claim against God. No, you have to keep me alive today. Nobody has that. Every one of us, our time to die can happen at any moment. [00:36:55] And so it possibly could have been that man's time to die, but it wasn't Trump's. And so our lady saved Trump and not that man, because that man potentially, his death could, could bring about more good for his family, his friends, for everybody who knows about his story now. So I just don't think that's true. [00:37:16] Okay, here's another one. We literally have a feast day, holy innocence, where God definitely intervened, but someone innocent died. [00:37:23] That's a great point. [00:37:24] Yeah, we literally have a feast day, the holy innocents, where God definitely intervened, but someone innocent died. I mean, just think about also not only the holy innocents, but the Passover. You know, certain people were, were protected by God and others were not. This is just the way God works. The problem is we have a very human conception of God. We put him on our level, and therefore he has to follow our rules. But God is above all that. Now, I'm not a nominalist. I'm not saying God can just, you know, he determines whether it's right or wrong just by his fiat. No, he sets up an order in the universe of right and wrong. But part of that order is that he is the Lord of all things. That's the key. He is the Lord of all things. So it's not wrong when he allows somebody to die and decides for somebody else not to allow them to die. Okay, last question. Thoughts on JD Vance as VP, I did address at the beginning of the podcast. So go back and listen to that, Sean, that part, and, you know, you can kind of see. But ultimately, like I said, of the people who were most likely to be picked, I think Vance was probably the best. I think there's many things about him that are very good. I think he was great, for example, on Ukraine, not wanting to just give them billions of billions of dollars, a blank check and things like that. He's not so good on Israel, in my opinion. He came out in support of the abortion pill recently, which is awful, although I don't think that makes him like some raving pro abortion politician. He's. He's more pro life than Donald Trump. I know that. So I do think Vance was, he wasn't my. The guy won most, mostly for him to pick. I probably, I probably wanted Ramaswamy was probably my choice is the best of the realistic choices. But JD Vance was. Was a good pick, considering how, frankly, bad Donald Trump has been at selecting personnel over the years, when, you know, in his presidency, he was terrible at it. This is a good sign that he's not at least terrible at picking people. So. Yeah, so overall, I think it was a good pick. Okay, well, I'm going to leave it there. I just going to encourage you again, what did our lady say? [00:39:24] That's right. Pray the rosary every day. So pray the rosary every day. Pray to our la Fatima, pray for peace, pray for our country, and pray for President Trump. Okay, until next time, everybody. God love.

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