Will the 2024 Election Be the End of America?

July 02, 2024 00:31:17
Will the 2024 Election Be the End of America?
Crisis Point
Will the 2024 Election Be the End of America?

Jul 02 2024 | 00:31:17


Hosted By

Eric Sammons

Show Notes

A possibly rigged election, a potential World War III, and imprisoning political opponents are all threats to the future of our country. As we celebrate our nation's birthday this week, we have to ask if this will be the last one for America as we know it.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:16] A possibly rigged election, a potential World War III, and imprisoning political opponents are all threats to the future of our country. As we celebrate our nation's birthday this week, we have to ask ourselves if this will be the last one for America as we know it. [00:00:32] Now, on that high note, hello, America. Sam is your host and in chief of Crisis magazine. [00:00:38] Before we get started, I just want to encourage people to smash that, like, button like the Democrats are trying to smash America. Subscribe to channel let other people know about it. Subscribe to our email newsletter. Just go to crisismagazine.com, comma, put in your email address and we will send you an email once a day with the articles of the day. Also, you can follow us on social media. Riceismag okay, so let's get started. So I'm recording this. It's on July 2, and so it's the week of July 4. The Independence Day is coming up here in a couple days. [00:01:09] I do have a confession to make. My wife likes to tell people I'm the least patriotic person that she knows, and that's probably true now. It's not that I don't love my country. I very much and love and appreciate the, the United States of America, always have. [00:01:25] But I've never really gotten into the, the rah rah of July 4. I just, I don't like fireworks that much. I mean, I like them, but they're not that big a deal to me. I can take them or leave them. But what really is the truth is, over the past, like, probably 15 to 20 years, I've just really become kind of disgusted with the equivalence of patriotism, with supporting the military, which ultimately means supporting the military industrial complex and deciding what wars we will go to to keep them afloat. I don't like that, that connection there, that it always has to be about supporting the military. [00:02:03] And I don't like, I mean, frankly, I don't like how it ends up a lot of times, meaning we have to support our government without thinking. And so I'm not a huge 4 July person. I admit that. But that being said, like I said, I do love our country and because I love our country. For those of you who are Americans who are listening, if you're not american, welcome. You know, your country isn't as good as ours, but, you know, you can still listen in. So the fact is, though, we have a lot of threats to the future of our country. I'm not saying that July 4, 2025, next year, there won't be in America what I am suggesting, though, that there's a decent chance that July 4, 2025, America will be very different than it is now. [00:02:49] That won't be the same fundamentally than it is today. I think it's different now than it was even 25 years ago or so. I think after 911, a lot of things started going downhill in the country that had nothing to do with Osama bin Laden, had to do with our response to it, how we dealt with things. [00:03:10] And so I really think, though, that this is a big deal. And I think we need to, we need to think about this as Catholics. We need to talk about, we need to figure out what we're going to do next. So the first thing I want to talk about today related to this, though, is the Trump Biden debate from last week. I mean, for those. Okay, so I got in about 15 minutes late. I was, I had to do something with my family. And so I came back and I turned it on, and I was going to have it on my iPad where I watch it. And then I'm also watching, like, my political Twitter feed to see what people are saying. [00:03:42] And before I even got the Twitter feed up, I got the, I got the debate up, and within 3 seconds, Biden was talking. I thought, oh, my goodness. I mean, it just took 3 seconds. And actually it got worse when he stopped talking and they showed Trump talking and the split screen with Biden on the screen as well. That was actually probably the worst for Biden, was just him standing there. Now, I've said this before, I think, online, but I just want, I'll say it here. [00:04:12] There's something in me that has a certain reaction when I see Biden like this, and it's because of the fact he looks a lot like my father physically. I mean, his, the shape of his head and things like that. My dad had Alzheimer's for eight years before he passed away a few years ago. And so we saw the very slow and sometimes fast decline cognitively my father had. [00:04:38] And seeing Biden's face, his facial expressions, the way he looked at Trump at times, and the way he had his mouth open, things like that, it really reminded me very much of my father about a year or so in the final year or so of his life, and I can't help and see that and not have a certain sadness, a certain empathy, even. Don't get me wrong, Joe Biden has lived an incredibly evil life. He has done great harm to this country in so many ways. And so I'm not saying that, like, we should have sympathy for him and therefore vote for him or something like that. I mean, in a lot of ways, it's like the fact that he's being trotted out there on television in this condition shows the evil life he's led because he surrounded himself with evil people, starting with his wife. Joe Biden is probably the most evil wife in american history for what she's doing to her husband. I mean, I just know, like, I just can't even imagine that, because, like, my mom, as soon as we kind of realized my dad was having issues, she immediately went into protective mode. She's like, I'm doing everything I can to protect him, not put him in situations in which he's going to be. This is like before he completely lost his cognitive abilities, you know, where he's gonna be embarrassed or anything like that. I mean, complete, because, of course, she did what? What loving wife wouldn't do that? Well, we know one wife that wouldn't do that. That's Joe Biden. And so I will say my initial reaction was, like, some. Some empathy, some sympathy for Biden himself. But then very quickly, it got into anger at just, like, I can't believe they're putting him out here. I can't believe our country's gotten a point where the, the leader, the commander in chief is in this condition. And so, obviously his condition. [00:06:24] And so it just was. [00:06:27] But it was just, it was shocking, to be honest. But in that sense, it wasn't, because those of us, like, I'm sure everybody listening to this, we knew Joe Biden had cognitively declined radically over the past few years. I mean, he wasn't really completely within 2020, but he's a lot better back then than he is now. And that's the way it works in these situations, is you're going to have plateaus, and you're going to have steep drops, then plateaus, steep drops. It's not like a perfectly linear decline when you have something, I don't know if he has Alzheimer's or something else, but clearly dementia. [00:07:00] And so it wasn't, like, surprising to us. And in a lot of ways, this was, like, a good thing for everybody to see, because no longer could you be gaslit by the lies of the media. I mean, it's just amazing how literally the day before, if you even question Joe Biden's cognitive abilities, you were just, you know, laughed at. You're just conspiracy theorist, whatever, and then every single one of them saying, look at Joe Biden's cognitive problems. And so I think that was very interesting, but I think that's a good thing for our country in one sense, because it tells us clearly the man who was elected, however you want, look at it as president, United States, as the leader of the country, is not actually leading the country. We all know that. I mean, most of us knew that before last Thursday, but now everybody knows that clearly, he's not in charge. He's not running things. So who is running things? Is it Jill Biden? Is it his chief of staff? Is it Barack Obama? Is it just the deep state? Like, just, let's call it the deep state, not know who these figures are. [00:08:07] I mean, who is it that's running the country? And the fact that we know it's not the person who was, quote unquote, elected as president, even if we want to say the 2020 election was completely 100% fair, wasn't rigged or anything like that, it's clear that guy's not running things. And so in a way, I think this is a good red pill, you could call it, for the country to see that. Maybe it will wake them up and realize, okay, the way I learned is under schoolhouse rock or whatever kids today learn how the government works isn't the way it actually works in practice. It's a bunch of unelected officials. Now, there was a good Supreme Court ruling last week that hopefully undercuts some of the deep state, undercut some of the administrative state in running things. But it is, it is something to at least know, because you can't solve a problem till you know what it is. But then I'm not. The truth is, that's like my positive take on things. I think ultimately this whole thing's negative, but that's my positive take on things. Now, just real quick on back to the debate itself, let's be honest, too. Trump wasn't great at the debate because Biden's condition actually neutered him. Because the way Trump is great, he's not Ron DeSantis or Ramoswami or somebody like that, where he can, he goes through detailed policy initiatives and talks about all the, you know, how we do this or that. He's much more of a sea of the pants, okay? The other guy or gal says something and I can get a good zinger back at him. That's where he thrives. He's very good at, like, on his feet. Just think of something quickly that basically mocks the other person, knocks him down a notch. They were showing video debate, some highlights from years ago, like 2016 debates with Trump before the election on Twitter, and for the debate on Twitter. And it was funny because, like, I forgot how bad Jeb Bush was. Oh, my gosh. I mean, the whole joke about low energy jab, I mean, it was just unbelievably ridiculous how he just, Trump controlled him. So in this case, though, Trump couldn't do much. So he wasn't that great because he had to be subdued. I mean, I give him credit that he recognized he had to be more subdued, more presidential, so to speak. He couldn't really just be attacking Joe Biden because it would look like the elder abuse that Joe Biden is engaged in. [00:10:27] And so in that sense, he did, he did his job, which was to kind of stay out of the way. And so the whole setup of the debate that CNN made, it was supposedly for Biden's sake. You kind of wonder if it all backfired, if that was the point, because it made Biden look worse because Trump couldn't interrupt him. And so, and also, I thought that Trump was, I mean, Trump's answer on abortion was not good. [00:10:51] I also thought, like, when they, when Biden finally brought Trump being a convicted felon, I really thought he dropped the ball on that one because he immediately, this is a very trumpian thing to do. He immediately went back and shot back like, your son is a convicted felon. But, like, that's not, like, that doesn't really do anything. What he should have said, I think, is something to effect of, yeah, and I wear it with a badge of honor that your politic, that your corrupt political system, the way you've corrupted judicial system has tagged me with these felonies and like, basically just embrace it and say, yeah, but I don't think that's, that's not, Trump didn't want to do that for whatever reason. [00:11:26] So I think, though, beyond the debate now what, where do we go from here? The election's just in a few months. The election's November 5, so it's almost July 5, so eleven minus six, seven. Okay, so it's four months away. How about that for quick on the spot mathematic during a podcast? I know you're all impressed. So four months until the election. [00:11:51] What the heck are the Democrats going to do now? Some people are arguing, a lot of people are arguing this was all planned, like, to make Joe Biden fall on his face so they could replace him. They knew, like the establishment knew months ago, Biden cannot make it through the whole election cycle. So what they would do is they purposely had these debates early. CNN set him up for this. You saw how literally the second of debates over the entire corporate media establishment, which was completely behind Biden turned on him 100%. CNN, MSNBC, all of them, they just turned on him like that. And usually when that happens, there's been a memo from on high. I don't actually think there's a physical memo that goes out, but there's, something has been said that, okay, this is now what we think. You saw that with, like, Covid, like when the Wuhan leak lab leak theory was like, oh, laughed at. And then one day Jon Stewart makes a joke about now and everybody agrees with it. So this happens. And so that is a theory. I'm not sure if I buy it, to be honest. I'm not sure if I buy it because it's a really dangerous game they're playing and they're waiting too long. I mean, I kind of feel like if they really wanted to get Biden out of it, they could have done it months ago from some, from some other way. But I, so anyway, that's possible. So the question is the Democrat conventions here, and I think in a month, and so what are they going to do? Will they have a, will Biden step down? Will, will he not step down, but they'll try to force him out? Will he step down from the presidency and let Kamala be president? So she's the incumbent running against him. Will they get somebody other than Kamala? Will they get, you know, Newsom or Whitmer or somebody like that? [00:13:32] And the fact is, if you look at it just objectively, every single option is terrible for the Democrats. Biden obviously is terrible. Kamala, I mean, Kamala Harris, I give her so much credit for one thing. You know what that is? She has actually been able to be more unlikable than Hillary Clinton. I thought it was impossible for somebody to be less likable than Hillary Clinton. But give Kamala credit. She's done it. So I think that the question is, though, what are they going to do? Because here's the overriding thing that drives the Democrats, the media establishment, Hollywood, academia, and the deep state. And that is one thing and one thing only. Trump cannot be president, no matter what. That is the one thing that they just simply cannot abide by. Is Trump winning again? [00:14:31] For the third time, maybe. But he, they cannot handle the idea of Trump back in the White House. I mean, and I honestly believe, and I say this completely literally, I think they will do anything to prevent that from happening. Anything. And so right now, it's like, okay, if that means we have to throw Biden under the bus. That's what we're going to do. Who cares? I mean, it's not like Democrats care about people or, like, loyal to them. They're just loyal to the ideology. So they'll throw them under the bus, but they know they don't have great options. And so I think right now I do, I don't think it's as planned as some people think. I think it's, there's a decent chance that this, there's complete chaos in the democratic machine in the deep state trying to figure out what are we going to do right now. I think that's the most likely scenario because I just don't think any, you know, trying to get somebody else. I do think, like, for example, somehow Newsom became the candidate. I mean, we all know he's a disaster in California, but that's not how people vote for president. I think the fact that he's a younger, you know, energetic, better good looking guy and all that, I think that's enough. I don't think he, you know, I don't think, I think a lot of people, they'd be swayed to vote for him because Trump bad. If that was the case, I think Kamala would kill a lot of that. I mean, she would just be so bad. And Hillary just, no, no, no. [00:15:55] And some of these other possibilities I don't think would work either. [00:15:59] But I think newsom could be a possibility. And so the question is, how would they do this? Because ultimately the Biden camp, like Biden team, has to agree to this or else it just doesn't happen if Biden does not himself. Now, there has also been talk that maybe Biden could be removed from the ticket from other ways, which I probably can't even, I'm not even sure if I can say out loud on YouTube, but, you know, just, just eliminate him from the, from the race. And I don't think that's, I say it's not possible. Obviously it's possible, but I think there's, I think they could be do it a lot, a lot easier. I mean, his mental competence is so bad right now. [00:16:41] I think, I think, I think you can remove him if you needed to, but that's, that's another thing that could take time. That's the problem is the clock is ticking. If they don't do this soon, like really get an actual candidate on the ticket ASAP, they're in trouble. I don't think they can wait till their convention. I think that's too late at that point. But, you know, we'll see. Now, let me get back to the point, though, which is the most important point, I think, in all this. They do not want Trump to win. That is the most important driving force. They care less who is in the White House. Obviously, they could care less. They literally have weekend at Bernie's at the White House right now. Why would they care about who's president as long as it's not Trump? [00:17:23] And so what will they do? I mean, we already see they're imprisoning Trump people. Steve Bannon just went to jail yesterday, July 1. He just went to jail yesterday for a charge that nobody's gone to jail for before that Hunter Biden also is guilty of. And he doesn't, he isn't charged with it or going to jail for it. So I mean, I really think that, and with Trump's convictions, felony convictions, and of course, the sentencing coming up, although that's been delayed, I just saw this a few hours ago that that's been delayed to Ashley, the republican convention, I just think they're going to do anything they can to stop Trump and not allow him. And so whether that means going against Trump or going against the election, I don't know. Because obviously it could go against Trump himself. I think that's very difficult because I think the Secret Service take their job very seriously. [00:18:15] I think that the Secret Service, they do not mess around. I mean, obviously, you could argue that maybe the Secret Service is infected by a deep state. Maybe. But I really don't. I think that's highly unlikely. Very difficult. I'll put it that way. The more likely thing is I think they go against the election. They go against the election and there's multiple ways they can do this. Obviously they can rig it. They can outright steal it. I think that's, that's the, I've mentioned this before. I think that the 2020 election was 100% definitely rigged. Whether or not it was stolen, I think is not something. [00:18:48] Whether or not that, I don't think whether or not it was stolen is proved, I'll put it that way. I think it was rigged. There is a difference. Rigged just simply means things were done that should not have been done that were like, for example, the hunter laptop thing being called disinformation, all those type of things to rig the election. [00:19:06] Stolen is where you're actually literally taking ballots and removing them or adding fake ones or something like that. [00:19:12] So, but I do think that the, so the point is, I think the election itself is the target now. They could, they could try to. So I think three different things they could do. They could try to rig it again. They were successful with that in 2020. So that's probably the most likely scenario. They could outright steal it where they literally are stealing ballots or adding fake ballots or whatever, or they could stop the election, meaning not let it happen. I think that's a possibility. That where you have a world war three, which is clearly in the works right now, if something like that breaks out, that's a benefit to the Democrats, and they know it. Because if world War three breaks out, let's say it breaks out in September. [00:19:54] And when I say world War three, I don't necessarily mean we call world War three, but something where the United States is in a hot conflict, not proxy conflict, but a hot conflict with another country. Most likely it would be Russia. [00:20:08] Well, there's two ways that helps the Democrats. First is also now you have that inherent patriotism I was talking about earlier that kicks in like, we have to support our commander in chief, we have to support our government right now. You don't change horses midstream, things like that. And therefore, more people would actually vote for the Democrat ticket, whoever it is, because of that. Or you just simply do a Zelensky and say, we can't have a fair and free election right now because of the fact we're in this war. And so therefore, we're going to have to postpone it. Now, some might say, well, look, listen, we've been at war during elections in America before. We literally had election during the civil war. We had an election during World War two. I can't remember if, I don't think we had election during World War one. But, I mean, we had election during World War 219, 44, literally one of the biggest years of the war, so to speak, as far as american involvement. We had an election that year. So I. But that doesn't matter anymore. All historical precedences in America are out the window already. So I do think it's possible they could just say, okay, we're gonna, we're gonna delay the election. And we all know what that means. Now, obviously, there might be a response to that. I don't know if they get away with it. But the point is, as long as Donald Trump is not in the White House as of January, they don't care. That's all that matters. And let me just take a step back for a second and just note how stupid that is. [00:21:32] I see all this Trump derangement syndrome, and it literally is a mental illness because we've had four years of Donald Trump as president, saying, oh, he will do this if he's elect, if he becomes president, when he didn't do it the first time is just kind of ridiculous, especially when it's something so radical. Like, for example, I mean, he, he was, he was saying during the 2016 election that Hillary should go to jail. She should be locked up. Did he do one thing to make that happen? No. So you really think he's going to go after Rachel Maddow? I mean, she has a smaller audience than a mid level podcaster. Why would anybody care about her? But they're saying these things like, Trump's going to do all these crazy things when we've already seen in four years of Trump. He's not going to do all these crazy things. He didn't do them. Some of them I wish he had done, and he didn't. So to think he's also going to be a radically different president than he was the first time around. Yeah, he hopefully would be better from our perspective, but he's not gonna be radically that different. And so therefore, I just think it's just insane. [00:22:43] It's just insane that people are willing to literally destroy this country in order to keep out a man who's really not even that bad. [00:22:52] I say that somebody who's not a huge Trump fan, I'm supporting them, but I'm not like, I don't, I'm not like a Trump syncopant who thinks that, like, Trump's the greatest person ever. He'll do all this stuff, whatever. [00:23:02] They just invent things for Trump, and then they're like, we have to do, we have to destroy our country if necessary, in order to prevent these, this invented Trump from coming to power. And that's, that's what's so insane about it. And so I do think that all these things are on the table. You know, a different candidate for Democrats, Biden stepping down from presidency. Kamala becoming president before the election. She can be an incumbent. Newsom running, uh, Trump being eliminated somehow, uh, the, the election itself being rigged, stolen, or stopped, postponed, whatever you want to call it. I think all these things are table. And here's my point I'm trying to make in all this. We're about to celebrate our nation's birthday as a free country. [00:23:49] Does anything I've been talking about during this podcast make it sound like we're truly a free country where the person in charge of our country isn't the person in charge of our country, where we're imprisoning political opponents like Steve Bannon and potentially Trump, where there's a good reason, not tinfoil hack conspiracy crazy reason, but a good reason to believe that the election will not be a free and fair election this fall. [00:24:17] All these things tell us we're already past being a truly free country. We're not a free country like we were at one point. Now we're not Soviet Union yet. It's a range. It's not, it's a spectrum. It's not like all of a sudden you're, you're 100% free, you know, libertarian utopia on one side or Soviet Union oppression on the other side. There's lots, there's a whole range there between the two. And we've never been the liberty, you know, libertarian utopia, but we were a lot closer to it at one point. We haven't yet been Soviet Union, but we're going in that direction. [00:24:55] And so I think as Americans, as Catholics, we really need to realize this and to wake up. And this is something I wrote about last week about confrontational Catholicism at crisis. Check out the article if you haven't seen it. [00:25:09] My point is this, though, we've got to stop, both with the conflicts within the church and in society being nice, for lack of a better term. [00:25:20] What I mean by that is we've got to stop being like, okay, we can't really say this. We can't really confront this person because they might take it the wrong way. They might react poorly. People might think that we're not being charitable or whatever the case may be. No, we have to fight at this point. We have to fight back. I mean, our weapons are the rosary, prayer, mass, things of that nature. But it also is direct action, doing things to resist the regime that's, that's trying to take over, that is already taken over, but trying to give itself more and more power. We have to stand up to this. We have to speak out. We have to make it very clear to people who, who are open to it, what's happening here. That's why I said it was a good thing when Biden fell on his face last week, because hopefully it opens some eyes. Some people be more like, well, wait a minute. I don't know if I'm really behind all this, if literally the guy in charge is not the guy in charge. So I think we really have to stand up and be very forthright about this. Now, here's another thing I want to, one of my final thoughts here on this is that for a, for a long time, I kind of considered the Democrats and Republicans not very much different. The Republicans are basically just five years behind the Democrats. And I still do think that on one level, don't get me wrong, I don't think, I'm not like a Republican. I'm still not a Republican. I'm not going to be a Republican. [00:26:37] But, like, I do think that something has changed in recent years, and that's a Democrat party. The republican party is as lame as it's always been. [00:26:48] But the democratic party, which has always been evil, it's always like the joke. The Democrat party is the evil party. The Republican Party is a stupid party. Republican party still a stupid party. They still do stupid things. Democratic party is still evil. But I, the evil has, has gone up a new level. We've seen that in the past decade. I don't know how else you can, I don't know how you could be older than maybe 30 and not recognize the dramatic difference in our country over the past ten years, really, the past eight years. Because it is, 2016 is when things really turned, because that was when the censorship regime really kicked in. The, the craziness with Trump related to Trump, against him, kicked in. We had Covid, we had the George Floyd rights. We have the woke culture, transgenderism. [00:27:35] It just is not the same country as it was in 2014. I don't think 2014, we were like this great city on a hill or anything like that. We had Obama as president, for Gosh sake. But I do think we're radically worse today than we were ten years ago. Whereas the difference between 2014, 2004, not that different, frankly. I mean, really, it was about the same difference between 2004 and 1994. That was a little bit of a bigger difference because I think 911 really shifted things. So that was definitely a difference. But I still would say difference between 2014 2024 is the biggest change for the worst that we, that you could even imagine. So I definitely think that we have to recognize that and because of that, that's why, I mean, I've already talked about this before. That's why I'm supporting Trump this year. Not because all of a sudden I've become a Trumpite. And I think he's great. I'm not against, bye. People who think he's great. That's fine. I'm not, like, arguing with you. I'm just simply saying that's just me personally, I've never been a huge Trump guy, but I am definitely supporting him because of the fact that I think he represents a slowing down, at the very least, against this, this direction we're going. I mean, Trump's not, like, great on the transgender issue. But it's not going to be where you're going to have transgender, you know, insane people parading around the White House and being promoted into high positions of power. [00:28:53] You know, he's not going to be great on the LGBTQ issues, but we're not going to have it shoved down our throat and in our children's faces under a Trump presidency. So, basically, it's not that I think Trump is going to be a good president necessarily. Maybe, maybe not. It's just I know that the other option is militantly trying to destroy our way of life, destroy what makes this country great. Destroy like families like my family and families like your family. And so for that reason, that that's just. I feel like it's. It's becoming a point where we just don't have any option but to support Trump, whether you like him or not. [00:29:34] It just. It just is so clear to me now. I mean, it really is. And I really think it is what's happened over the past few years. Now, just to be clear, I still think our long term solution, I'll just throw this out at the end as, like, a little bomb here, but our long term solution is secession. That we. That the country breaks up. I think our country is too big to succeed. I don't think we can manage the way it is. I think we should break up into different entities that govern differently, potentially, maybe have treaties to defend each other, whatever. But I do think that is ultimately the long term solution. I just realized I started my section on secession about dropping a bomb. I am just so hosed on YouTube at this point. I don't mean a literal bomb, people. I just mean, metaphorically, a shocking statement or something like that. I do think that's the long term solution to secession. But until then, we got to just fight against the government, the Democrats, the establishment, deep state, all those type of things. Okay, I think I'll leave it there. I know this wasn't exactly the most uplifting podcast for the week of July 4. Enjoy the fourth. Enjoy your fireworks. Wear your red, white, and blue or something like that. And, Anthony, I refuse to be in the same territory as you as well, because I want to live in a country of good people, not people like you. So just commenting on one of the comments here for those who are listening. Okay, until next time, everybody. God love.

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