Latest Episodes

Navigating Between Zionism and Anti-Semitism
Due to historic anti-semitism, many Catholics in response have embraced Zionism. However, in recent years, due to the dominant Zionism, some Catholics have creeped...

From the Habsburg Family to Your Family: How to Build a Wholesome Family (Guest: Eduard Habsburg)
The Habsburg Family is one of the most famous families in the world, and one of the most influential in history. But what can...

The Legacy of Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II is the most dominant figure of the post-Vatican II Catholic Church, shaping the Church in ways positive and negative. What...

Answering Objections to the Traditional Latin Mass (Guest: Peter Kwasniewski)
The traditional Latin Mass continues to be controversial within the Catholic Church. Many Catholics object to various aspects of the TLM, believing it to...

Will Elon Musk Usher in a Utopia or a Dystopia?
The recent technical advances made by Elon Musk's companies— from servant robots to catching rockets out of the sky—are amazing feats of engineering. But...

Apocalypse Now?
Our times are becoming apocalyptic: multiple wars, destructive hurricanes, rampant heresy, increased government totalitarianism, and other traumatic events. Are we nearing the End Times?...