How to Properly Understand the Role of the Papacy (Guest: Dr. Peter Kwasniewski)

August 19, 2022 01:03:35
How to Properly Understand the Role of the Papacy (Guest: Dr. Peter Kwasniewski)
Crisis Point
How to Properly Understand the Role of the Papacy (Guest: Dr. Peter Kwasniewski)

Aug 19 2022 | 01:03:35


Hosted By

Eric Sammons

Show Notes

The controversies surrounding Pope Francis have led many to rethink the papacy itself, with some transforming the pope into a political leader to be followed in all things, and others rejecting his authority entirely. What is the Catholic way to look at the papacy?


The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism (book) by Peter A. Kwasniewski

Rethinking the Papacy (Crisis Point podcast)

The “Spirit of Vatican I” as a Post-Revolutionary Political Problem (article)

On non-infallible teachings of the Magisterium and the meaning of “obsequium religiosum” (article)

The Morality of Correcting the Pope (article)

Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies (book)

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