Latest Episodes

Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis, and Vatican II
A look at Traditionis Custodes, what Pope Francis got right in it, and the demand for Catholics to accept the "validity and legitimacy" of...

Cancelled Priests with Fr. John Lovell
Fr. John Lovell, co-founder of Coalition for Canceled Priests, joins Crisis Point to discuss his own cancellation by his bishop, and what priests (and...

Fr. Altman, Obedience, and Celebrity Clerics
Eric Sammons discusses the suspension of Fr. James Altman: Should he obey his bishop? Should the bishop have suspended him? Why is there such...

Will Many Be Saved? with Dr. Ralph Martin
Eric Sammons and Dr. Ralph Martin discuss the issue of salvation: How is one saved? How many will be saved? They also focus on...

Why I Attend the Traditional Latin Mass
On the eve of the 14th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, Crisis Magazine Editor-in-Chief Eric Sammons discusses why he attends the traditional Latin Mass. Support...

The Need for Heroic Priests with Kevin Wells
Eric Sammons and author Kevin Wells discuss the urgent need for heroic priests, and a perfect model for that heroic vocation: Venerable Aloysius Schwartz,...