Latest Episodes

The Post-COVID Catholic Church
How has COVID impacted the Catholic Church? What will the Church look like in the coming years? Eric Sammons looks at recent data and...

Persecuted Christians in Muslim Lands with Casey Chalk
Casey Chalk, author of "The Persecuted: True Stories of Courageous Christians Living Their Faith in Muslim Lands", joins Crisis Point to discuss the plight...

You Can’t Fix Your Parish
Many Catholic parents face the sad situation of living near a "bad" parish. What should they do? Attend that parish and try to improve...

The Plight of Canadian Catholics, with Kennedy Hall
Canadian Catholic Kennedy Hall joins Crisis Point to discuss the current state of the Church in his country. He talks of the Canadian "personality",...

The Time for Secession is Now
Secession, "National Divorce", whatever you call it, more and more Americans are talking about the potential breakup of the United States. Is this desirable?...

Lessons for Today from Solzhenitsyn with Joseph Pearce
Joseph Pearce, author of "Solzhenitsyn: A Soul in Exile", joins Crisis Point to discuss the life of this 20th century giant, and the lessons...