Latest Episodes

The Communists and the Catholic Church (Guest: Dr. Paul Kengor)
Has the Catholic Church been overtaken by Communists? Was there a Communist plot decades ago to subvert the Church? Find out on today’s Crisis...

Why Are the Bishops Silent About the Freedom Convoy?
During the summer of 2020 many Catholic bishops spoke out in support of the Black Lives Matter protests. Why do we hear nothing from...

The Satanists Are Coming to Town (Guest: Jesse Romero)
A group of Satanists are holding a convention in Scottsdale, Arizona, and Catholic evangelist Jesse Romero is organizing a public prayer presence in response....

Is the Pope a Heretic?
The classic rhetorical question “Is the Pope Catholic?” has been turned on its head under the pontificate of Francis. Now Catholics are seriously asking,...

The Life of a Catholic Apologist (Guest: Trent Horn)
Catholic Answers Staff Apologist Trent Horn joins Crisis Point to talk about Catholic apologetics: how to do it, the right attitude to have, the...

Should Catholics Send Their Kids to Catholic Schools?
It's Catholic Schools Week, and Eric Sammons takes the opportunity to look at the different educational options for Catholic parents. Support the show